Addiction 101
Virtual* Addiction 101
Presently, the word “addiction” has unfortunately become a common word in the news and millions of households across the United States. The standard disease model of addiction has become the most commonly adapted understanding as the government’s solution to this epidemic is treatment and medication. In this Addictions 101 course, the participant will have a chance to view addictions from different perspectives while Recoverees are honored for their experience. Having alternative understandings on addiction can facilitate the engagement of Coach and Recoveree while removing barriers to recovery. * Virtual Training via Zoom. Computer and internet connection required.
During this workshop, participants will:
· Be familiarized with the standard DSM-5 Model of Addiction;
· Discuss alternative models of addiction and have opportunity to explore how they can use this information in their role as RC’s;
· Examine how addiction is developed and identify how this understanding may inform their work;
· Discuss what is “bottom” and the motivators to change;
· Outline potential ways to support recoverees transitioning from addiction to recovery; and
· Review the potential progression of Recovery.
This training provides 6 CEs.
Kim Krawczyk & Mark Muhamad