Apprenticeship Training Program
If you are seeking recovery support, are being required to acquire recovery supports by DCF or the criminal justice systems, have been prematurely discharged from programs, are experiencing stigma and systemic failure looking to re-integrate into new environments and/or your community and do not have the financial means, you are eligible to participate in our apprenticeship coaching program at NO COST.
For furher details contact Sara Ahern at

Recovery Coach Apprenticeship Training Program
Recovery Coaching is a growing non-clinical role within the Behavioral Health Field where individuals in recovery as well as recovery allies with lived experience of substance use and/or mental health challenges support individuals seeking and in recovery.
Recovery Coaches are forward facing, trauma informed, person centered, and relationship focused. Recovery Coaching is being implemented in numerous settings across multiple fields. From Behavioral Health Settings, Hospitals, Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice, Department of Children and Families, Primary Care, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Municipalities, Public Health Departments, Private, Corporate Settings and more!
The Recovery Coach Role is integral to creating connection within communities and reducing stigma while fostering and promoting recovery and wellness for aLL!
CHOiCE Recovery Coaching, Inc. Is a Non Profit 501 C3 corporation created and run by people in recovery. We are committed to Championing Recovery and the development of the workforce that supports it.
Our mission is to encourage, guide and assist individuals and their families as they face substance use challenges, thereby developing a culture of recovery with equity and justice, which allows them to foster resilience for themselves and their communities.
If this is piquing your interest and you would like to learn how to use your personal lived experience and develop your skills and approach to support others, you have found a path.
Recovery Coach Apprenticeship Description
The Recovery Coach Apprentice Program is a six ( 6 ) month program where participants will have the opportunity to take all of the trainings necessary to become a Certified Addictions Recovery Coach ( CARC ) and begin putting those new learnings to practice as they work with us four to six ( 4-6 ) hours per week, championing recovery.
Trainings to be taken are the Recovery Coach Academy, Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches, Addiction 101, Motivational Interviewing, Mental Wellness and Exploring Cultural Competency.
This program is provided to eligible participants completely at NO COST.
In this role, participants will have the opportunity to :
- Learn how to use personal lived experience to support others.
- Outreach to communities and Organizations to promote recovery.
- Connect with the recovery movement and various environments it may inhabit.
- Work directly with individuals seeking recovery.
- Thrive in a Recovery Oriented environment.
- Support individuals in exploring their recovery capital and develop recovery wellness plans.
Participant expectations:
- Participate at the Springfield, MA Choice Recovery Coaching site 4-6 hours per week for the duration of 6 months.
- Participate and complete trainings as scheduled and agreed upon.
- Communicate with team as necessary and assigned recovery coach supervisor weekly.
- Participate consistently in periodic Recovery Coach Supervision.
- Support company policies and code of ethics.
- Maintain strict confidentiality, not disclosing personal information or stories shared by program participants outside of direct supervisors.
- Must complete 6 month program in order to receive all certificates of completion, otherwise Participant may be held responsible for cost of classes taken.
Our programs begin quarterly, every January, April, July and October, so please fill out the application, attach a cover letter and a resume in advance. We look forward to connecting with you!