It’s finally winding down . We have had quite the ride this year. Often one step forward two or three steps back! One thing you can always count on is that things, more often than not, don’t always go as planned. When you think smooth sailing is on the horizon, take a step back as the unexpected is about to happen.
After 3 years of dodging COVID-19 and thinking it was over , BOOM ! I got COVID. There will always be somethin.
So regardless, what do you do? At CRC, we focus on what we CAN do! and reach out to our community for support when we can foresee it all hitting the fan. We send energy out into the world and it always goes into a good place when you put out good energy. It’s infectious ! Most of the time, it comes back! Even when you feel it might have been “for nothin”, you’re getting that energy back tenfold ! If nothing else, doing good gets you in a good frame of mind and Harvard Scientist, Shawn Acker states that you’re 31% smarter when you’re in a good mood. Don’t believe me, see for yourself !
So what have we done this year, we have presented to about 465 People at multiple conferences across the country: Florida, New York, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Louisiana and here in Massachusetts, BSAS named the Recovery Conference after our very own “Infinite Pathways of Recovery ” Curriculum!
We re-designed the Addictions Recovery Coach Certificate Program at Westfield State University. New program begins on March 2024!
We developed two webinars that are now available online for the SAMHSA Peer Center of Excellence as well as NAADAC, the National Association for Addiction Professionals.
2023 had us training 803 individuals spanning 46 classes online.
We collaborated with RIZEMA in the creation of 24 NEW Credit hours that support the ReCertification (accepted in MA by the Certification Board, MBSACC) of Recovery Coaches and the Recovery Workforce across the Commonwealth.
We started an apprenticeship program!, a six month program providing training, supervision, and hands-on experience for 3 individuals every quarter, adding 3 additional individuals every 3 months who in turn provide recovery coaching for underserved individuals at NO COST across Western Massachusetts!
What is coming next? We’re not sure. We do know that we’re opening our hearts, opening our eyes and we’re smiling with you!
In the meantime, we have a few resources to share with you.
All Classes for Certification as well as Re-Certification begin with the Recovery Coach Academy on January 4th!
Are you a Young Person in Recovery or an Allie who works with young people? We will be working with the fabulous Meghann Perry Group to bring you the Recovery Coach Academy for Young People (RCAYP) ! 30 CEU’s for CARC Certification OR ReCertification!
From 2 to 24 Credit Hours, we may just have a class that’s right to support your training needs. Check out our Current Trainings.
FREE Community Supports
Do you know someone who would like support around their Recovery and Wellness this Holiday Season? What if they could get rid of the barriers today?

CCAR – Recovery Coach, Center Coordinator, Facilitators and more !
Looking to develop your program and don’t see something here? We will work with you in developing programs to implement recovery coaching, integrate multi-disciplinary teams, streamline your processes, multiply engagement and maximize recovery outcomes for your participants and their communities!
We could not have done this without YOU aLL ! Many, many THANX to YOU ALL for Championing Recovery and Wellness ! We could never have even fathomed any of this without you !
Much Peace, Love, Health and Recovery to YOU and YOURS!
Have a Happy and Safe NEW YEAR!